After numerous discussions we took the initiative to organize the first joint Greek-Turkish meeting focusing on topics in Statistical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Physics and applications. We feel that there is substantial scientific interest as well as contributions by Turkish and Greek scientists in this general area while the direct contacts between the scientist are not many. We envision that such a meeting will strengthen the scientific links between Greece and Turkey, help the progress of science and be beneficial for both countries.
The meeting will take place during 11-17 September 2008 in both Greece and Turkey. We plan to have the first half of the meeting in the Greek island of Rhodos while the other half in Marmaris that is on the Turkish coast. The cities of Rhodos and Marmaris are linked daily through fast boat service. We note that although this event is designed towards specifically increasing the collaboration between Greek and Turkish scientists, researchers from all around the world and particularly from the neighbouring countries are highly welcomed and strongly encouraged to participate.
In Rhodos the meeting will take place in the facilities of the University of the Aegean in the city of Rhodos while in Marmaris at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP).
We expect the participants to register for the conference in Rhodos Wednesday 10/9/08 in the evening. We will have full conference schedule the following two days as well as on Saturay morning. We will then move to Marmaris by boat and have the evening as well as Sunday free for excursion and social events. Work resumes on Monday and the meeting closes on Wednesday 17 September. Participants may then retrurn to Rhodos by boat.
CONFERENCE VENUE:University of Aegean, located at the KAMIROS Hotel (in the City of Rhodos)
Address: 1, 25th March Street, KAMIROS Hotel (University of Aegean)