Third International Workshop on
Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems
27 August-2 September 2012
After the success of the first two Greek-Turkish meetings in
"Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems" that took place in
Marmaris, Rhodos and Simi during September 2008 and 2010, we continue with the third
meeting. We now widen the scope and we hope to include more scientists from the countries in
the region.
Unlike the previous two conferences that took place each in both countries,
the third meeting will take place during 27 August-2 September 2012 in Marmaris, Turkey
where it will be hosted by
the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP).
In order to have a timely applicaiton to funding agencies we
request that you register by July 15th, 2012 and
submit your abstract by July 15th, 2012. Due to space
limitations at ITAP we will restrict attendance to 50 participants in total.