Participants are encouraged to contribute their recent results in all areas of nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics. Oral contributions in the form of invited longer as well as shorter talks will be available. Several poster sessions are also planed; posters should be in A0 format (84 cm wide and 120 cm high). We stongly encourage student and young researcher participation.

When you submit your abstract please select the mode of presentation you wish to follow, oral or poster. The organizing committee will review all abstract submissions and assign the contributions to the specific form of presentation available. Those papers selected by the committee for oral presentation will be considered invited oral talks. The posters will be presented in special sessions.

In particular, we invite contributions in the following areas:

Preparation of Abstracts

In order to prepare an abstract for the conference you need a running LaTeX environment on your system, such as MikTeX or teTeX.

Please proceed according to the steps listed below:

  1. Download the following three files
    • template.tex: a template file including detailed documentation and guidelines
    • grtr.cls: the documentclass needed to compile the abstract on your system
    • fancyheadings.sty: this style is also needed to compile the abstract on your system
  2. Save them in the same directory
  3. Modify the file 'template.tex' according to your needs, following the hints given in the file. The length of your abstract must not exceed one page.
  4. For your convenience, you may compile the latexfile to get a printable output.
  5. If you are satisfied with the result and the compilation process gives no error messages you can send your abstract via email
    Subject: Abstract
    Please send the latexfile in the main body. Avoid to add signatures etc. Do not attach the file to your mail.
  6. Immediately after we receive your abstract, you will get an response mail to confirm successful transmission.
  7. Abstract submission deadline

    The abstract submission deadline is 15th June 2014. Please submitt your abstract as soon as possible. The abstracts will appear on line in the conference web page as they are being received.

© 2014 Computer Center, University of Crete, Greek - Turkish Conference