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The meeting will take place during 5-12 September 2010 in both  Turkey and Greece.We plan to have the Turkish part of the meeting start on Monday September 6, 2010 in Turunc and last through Wednesday.  The Greek part of the meeting will start on Thursday 9 September, 2010 and will end on Saturday  allowing for the possibility for some additional discussions for Sunday, September 12.

Travel information

If you start in Turkey you should plan to be in ITAP on Sunday, September 5. After the end of the Turkish part, we will all cross to Rhodes on Thursday morning.  Subsequently, after the end of the meeting you will go back to Turkey with the other participants.  The transfers will be arranged by the organizers when the number of partipants becomes more clear.  

We note that the boat service between Rhodos and Marmaris runs daily departing from Rhodos at 8:00 and 16:00 and from Marmaris at 9:00 and 16:00. The round trip ticket costs 100 Euros.



In Turunc the meeting will take place in in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics) (ITAP) where most of the participants will be accomodated. The full board price for a double room in ITAP is 140 Euros (70 Euros per participant). Please contact the Turkish organizers at or . They will take care the reservations in Turunc.


Simi is a small island located near Rhodos.  The conference will take place in part in Rhodos (at La Vita Hotel) and in part in Symi (at the Municipal Conference Center).

Finacial Assistance

The Greek-Turkish conference we are planing to organize is unique in its aim to try to bring together scientist from our two countries as well as other researchers from regional countries and beyond.


Hotel accomotation will be in Rhodos (La Vita Hotel) while in Turunc in ITAP and nearby hotels.

Social Events

© 2010 Computer Center, University of Crete, Greek - Turkish Conference