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Programme and Abstract Submission

Oh, the places you'll go! (Dr. Seuss)

The meeting will focus on Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical systems. Both areas have undergone an explosion during the last decades both in theoretical and conceptual problems but especiallly in applications. We expect to cover also interdisciplinary problems realted to nonlinear physics and applications, biological physics, socio-econophysics, etc.

The conference will include invited overview talks, invited regional talks, invited oral presentations of shorter duration and posters. The organization committee will review all submitted abstracts and assign them into invited oral talks and posters.

Abstract submission:

Participants are encouraged to contribute their recent results in all areas of statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics and interdisciplinary problems. Deadline for abstract submission has been extended beyond the orginal 30th of April 2008 date. Please submit your abstracts as soon as possible! Participants will be notified shortly after submission on the status of their presentation, i.e. whether it will be an invited oral presentation or a poster.


We invite contributions in the following areas and applications:


We plan to start in Rhodos on Thursday September 11 in the morning and end in Marmaris on Wednesday, September 17. There will be a conference excursion on Sunday. We also plan conference diners and other social events. In Rhodos the meeting will take place in the facilities of the University of the Aegean as well as those of the Rhodos Municipality while in Marmaris in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP).

Registration Fees:

In order to simplify matters we will collect the registration fees on site during the conference registration. Please pay with CASH only. The fees are:

Regular: 150 Euro
Student: 50 Euro

© 2007 Computer Center, University of Crete, Greek - Turkish Conference